Friday, December 30, 2011

The New Year is a Comin'

I'm not one for resolutions but it does help to set a goal and what better time to start then the first of a new year.

I think this year physical fitness has to rank up there pretty high.  I am a healthy eater for the most part but the exercise thing...I make excuses on why I can't.  I have to get back in the groove I was in before, like two years ago, gym every day or at least four times a week.  So, that complimentary one month gym pass is going to serve to get my mojo going.

Mental fitness is going to take priority too.  I read.  I write.  I do quite a bit to fire up the brain.  The mental fitness I am speaking of...distancing myself from toxic people.  People who lead a lifestyle that I just do not share, I have to put distance.  People who are passive aggressive guilt-trippers.  Have to step back.  I need my emotional self to be 110%.  I have a busy job.  A busy family life.  There is no room for the garbage.  I say garbage because I have tried to "accept" these "traits" in others but I just can't anymore.  I have a wonderful family and an amazing group of friends.  They deserve my best and I can only give that to them if I'm not consumed with the bullshit.  So bullshit free (reduced, that's more realistic) in 2012!!!  And a slightly slimmer ass.  2012 is already looking good.

Love the one you're with!!

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