Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Family, friends, rum & coke, smokes, full belly laughs

Yesterday I went to one of the best funerals ever. I know, weird thing to say.

The congregation was there to celebrate a man who laughed from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. He loved music, his camp, a good rum and coke and his smokes. More than that, he loved his family and friends. He loved his community and served it very well. He had a huge heart and he touched many lives with his goodness.

There was a slide show with completely appropriate music for him. There were laughs as people watched the pictures go by on the big screen. Pictures of a man living life to the ultimate fullest.

There was a jam session. Yes, in the church a young man played guitar, stomped his foot and sang a compilation of old tunes. The whole congregation was singing. I could almost feel Pete smiling from above, loving every minute of it. It was so touching. A packed church, all connected for a time by music and sweet memories of a great man.

There were stories. More laughs. A few tears. The minister was so down to earth. His “sermon” didn’t preach. He engaged the folks there. He was real and he portrayed the life of the person who passed so eloquently.

Many things were reinforced for me yesterday.
  • Love life with your whole heart and soul.
  • Be good and kind to others.
  • Sit at the table with your enemy, kick his butt at cards but share your bottle of rum.
  • Laugh until your whole body shakes and then laugh some more.
  • Drop in to see people. Don’t call first. Pop in and say hi. You don’t have to stay long, just stop in to show you care.
  • Leave a legacy of kindness in your wake.
  • Cherish every second you have on this earth.
  • Serve your family, friends and community well.

 The world lost a great person last Thursday. The other side acquired a beautiful spirit.

So yesterday a celebration of a life taken too soon by cancer. Tonight, a celebration of life taken too soon by tragedy. In a couple days, a life taken too soon by illness. A lot of loss lately. Much time to reflect. We really don’t get a second chance. We have one life to live and we have to make it good. 

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." I have these words on my bedroom wall. I look at them every morning when I wake up. I have never been more determined to live in the now and it live it large with family and friends, maybe the odd rum and coke and lots more full belly laughs.

Rest in Peace Pete.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Pushed through

I didn't want to go to the gym today. I mean I did but I didn't. I really kind of wanted to stay in bed to be honest. Yesterday's post kind of sums up the last few days...

I always see the light at the end of the tunnel. I still saw the light today but it wasn't as bright. It seemed really far away. It's just been one of those days.

But I got there. My dear friend was coming along for an assessment so even if I really didn't want to go, I wanted to get her there so she was my blessing today. (As she is everyday). :)

I tried my best to be in a good frame of mind. I really have to concentrate on leg day. I have to be 100% in the game because it's the day I struggle with most. I took all my emotions and I gave it. I squatted my best weight ever (thanks to a fantastic trainer who pushes me and encourages the hell out of me). I was walking it off and I felt the build. The tears coming. They stayed put but they were there. Right on the edge. I pushed through.

Lesson of the day for me...people go through some wicked difficult struggles every day. The key. Stay strong. Believe in yourself. Surround yourself with good people. Be gentle with yourself. Push through. Tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Brought to it. Get through it.

It's been a rough few days.

A long time family friend passed away. He had cancer. Was in remission. It came back. They gave him four or so weeks to live. He died the next day. Thursday.

Friday. An accident. Have digested this one but still...not so much. A young man. A brilliant photographer. A glowing personality. Shy but funny. Extremely helpful and thoughtful...

Two things. I have experience, unfortunately, with loss. I understand the grieving process all too well. AND. I have faith. I have faith that if we are brought to something, something difficult. A loss. We can get through it. We will get through it. We need to be gentle with ourselves. Feel the feelings and trust that it will get better.

Due to various life circumstances over the years, I have been trying to actively be more and more grateful for the people, experiences and things in my life. Not a moment goes by now that I don't say thank you. I get a stretch of green lights on Brunswick and as I safety go under each one, in my mind I say thank you. I make it home safe and sound, I say thank you. Someone holds the door for me and I obviously I say thank you. I read about something good happening to someone good and I say thank you. Every night Jbird and I say our prayers and we give thanks for everything we have, for all our blessings. You know, it makes a big difference in your mindset. Especially at times like these. I feel the pain but am grateful for the time that I had with these people. For their smile. Their big laugh. Their leadership. Their jokes. The people that they were to their family and friends. They will be missed. But we will get through it.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

New but old adventure


Level two.


I went to a level one class back in February and I have to say, it changed me life. So cliche, I know, but it's true. I started with self treatment, as you do. Changed my whole attitude on things. This new passion for the positive allowed me to lovingly channel energy for my family and friends with some pretty incredible results.

Level two just a few weeks ago. I know to my core that all the things I've been doing and learning, discovering about myself up to this time were for that moment. The moment of my second attunement. It is the most wonderful and humbling moment when you finally find your purpose.

It makes my heart so happy to know that my touch and speaking with someone has made them feel better. Everyone has the power to heal their own mind, body and soul, sometimes it just needs a little boost. I have been richly blessed and I am so excited to share this with others. When you love yourself...nothing feels any better. You can then share that love with others like you never thought possible.

Onto the next part of my adventure. I've been working hard on how to best share this with others. Informational materials. Working on a website or blog. Business card designs. Research. Research and more research. Stay tuned.

Happy day to you!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Power of the positive....

...needs to be stronger than the power of the negative.

I've been thinking about this for a while... What to do with the Negative Nellys in my life. One can only try to influence and sway a person so much and then it's just...blah.

What to do with this? Well, as I have learned, we can only control our reactions to people's behaviour, we can't control the behaviour of other people (nor should we really try). So, with all the will I can muster...I shall positive these people to death. LOL If that doesn't help the matter then, well, difficult decisions need to be made. I have worked too hard to be paddling like a bastard only to have my passengers drilling holes in the back of the ship, letting all the muddy water in.

Onward and upward!!!