Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Power of the positive....

...needs to be stronger than the power of the negative.

I've been thinking about this for a while... What to do with the Negative Nellys in my life. One can only try to influence and sway a person so much and then it's just...blah.

What to do with this? Well, as I have learned, we can only control our reactions to people's behaviour, we can't control the behaviour of other people (nor should we really try). So, with all the will I can muster...I shall positive these people to death. LOL If that doesn't help the matter then, well, difficult decisions need to be made. I have worked too hard to be paddling like a bastard only to have my passengers drilling holes in the back of the ship, letting all the muddy water in.

Onward and upward!!!

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