Thursday, September 5, 2013


Oh this is a warm topic for me. I really prefer to be as drama-free as possible. I bitch about things once in a while but thanks.

Some people THRIVE on it, thrive. I don't think they know how to live a peaceful life. Even if there is a situation that isn't dramatic, they spin it until it's all bananas and BS.

So, I've been asking myself why? Why do people love drama? More importantly, why do they create it where it doesn't exist?

My conclusion.

It's their comfort zone. Crazy as that sounds. I think they are scared of the answer to...

"What if I had a peaceful mind?"
"What if so-in-so didn't mean anything by that comment?"
"What if I they didn't mean anything by those actions?"
"What if their words were genuine?"
"What if their smile was sincere?"

Those are scary questions when you are so used to chaos and turmoil in your world. If that is all you know, anything else, even if it's better is stressful.

The answers to those "what-ifs" may be; it means the person loves me, it means the person respects me, it means the person in genuine in their kind words about me, it means that the person has forgiven me...

When you feel you don't have worth, it is near impossible to feel that anyone sincerely means it when they compliment you, engage you in conversation, say they love you, ask your opinion and value it...

It's easier to have the "drama wall" up. Not let anyone in. Play the victim. Wait out the storm...actually make the storm to distract others away from you.

When you respect and love yourself, you attract people who respect and love you...for who you are...the real you.

There is no better feeling than surrounding yourself with like-minded people (AKA, people who love themselves). Everyone is happier, more positive, more productive, better friends, better Moms, better Dads, better bosses, better employees, better neighbours, enjoy better health, better sleep, a better self-image, a love of nature, peace, a caring heart (not that drama people don't have a caring heart, it just shines through better when you have a smile on your face and a positive attitude).

See a pattern here? ; ) BETTER!

So, how to be drama free? Start by consciously seeing the good in every situation. There is always good. Always. Then appreciate the good. No matter how small, appreciate it. Then embrace the good. Then share it. <3


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