Thursday, May 29, 2014

Reduced Activity

So that's what I'm on. Almost 27 weeks pregnant and the door on the nest isn't cooperating; AKA my cervix is shortening prematurely. I'm still in the safe zone but have to take it easy. I definitely have faith that all will be okay but I still worry a little. It's a lot of responsibility in carrying the bird in the first place but now to have the cards slightly stacked against us...

It's day three of this reduced activity with another transvaginal ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday. If there is a further shortening then it goes from reduced activity to bed rest. I'm hoping the shortening will have ceased. In the meantime, I do have a routine already. Get my Jbird up and going for the day. I LOVE that I now have the time to sit and eat breakfast with her. Then we lay in bed together and chat before she heads off to school. <3 Then I usually go lay down and read for a bit. Catch up on the sleep I lost getting up to pee 3-5 times the night before. A nice healthy lunch. Rest. Some gentle yoga. Rest. Take the dogs out in the yard (have to keep the body moving a little). Rest. Start supper and wait for the family to get home. Eat. Rest. Snuggle with my girl and get her off to bed. Rest. Go to bed.

In all that resting; I'm reading, reading and more reading. Researching more and more on Reiki and pregnancy. I'm finding we're pretty far behind on the birthing options around here. Not like I didn't know it but we're really kind of archaic (though we like to think our system is forward thinking). I'm hoping for a different experience than what I had eight years ago. Flat on my back pushing for 3 hours with a nurse telling me to "PUSH" every time I knew I needed to push (kinda what those contractions tell a woman) really doesn't float my boat. I'm absolutely for medical intervention when necessary but other than that, I kind of feel that a woman's body knows what's up when it's time to have the babe... I won't get off on that rant right now. LOL Instead, I think I'll go have a bath. Forgot to mention that above...I do bathe daily. ;)


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