My thoughts after graduation BMQ.
I have to say that my thoughts are a bit all over the place today. Jumbled around in this little brain of mine. I'm thinking about graduation from my BMQ. The people I have met. Where I will go next with it...with all of it. I'm thinking about the folks overseas. The sacrifices they are making. The friends I have over there now and the friends that I have going. This makes me think of mortality. My own mortality to a degree. I'm thinking about how I'm getting closer to where I need to be but I'm not quite there yet. I understand that life is a never-ending journey. I'm okay with that. I'm just wondering when I will be "close enough" to having it together.
I'm thinking about the text I got this morning from my buddy Mitchell. "ADOPT the new attitude of the military career as being something you WANT for yourself and for your life. DO NOT let anyone get in your way! You CAN do it and you will do it. The military does not give compliments. Have confidence in yourself to know you KICK ass!"
She sent this because yesterday we had our review. Mine was good but there was no mention of all the extra stuff I do. I extra help I ask for so that I can be better. The leadership role I try to take. I was disappointed. I was frustrated with myself and with the system. I asked myself why I was doing seven days a week for the past seven weeks. I was questioning my abilities. Right up until this morning, I was questioning if I was good enough. Capable. Able. Basic Military Qualification is difficult but not as hard as Solider Qualifying. I have been challenged mentally and physically with my BMQ but mostly because it's something new. It's a new philosophy and a new way of life. SQ will be very challenging for a variety of reasons. Yesterday I was questioning if I could do it. If I wanted to continue. Mitchell's text encouraged me and it makes me think...I CAN do this and I WILL.
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