Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wrote this December 23, 2008.  Lots of good stuff here.  Thought I would include in this new blog.

We love in others what we love in ourselves. We despise in others what we cannot see in ourselves. Often when a relationship goes sour we become blind, immune or resistant to our stuff by making an admirable attempt to dump it on the other person. People will resist having your stuff dumped in their lap because all too ofter it is also their stuff-the stuff they can't see. They resist by fighting or running away. As crazy as it seems, the person who stays to fight with you (and not physically of course) is usually the one who really loves you. Iyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime
Surrender works best when it is used in combination with forgiveness. Iyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime

Honor what you feel by believing you can have what you want. Respect where you are in your life, understanding that when you are ready to move forward you will. Support yourself by refusing to accept less than what you want. This is your foundation-what you do and how you treat yourself. Iyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime

What you feel usually determines what you want. More important, what you feel about what you want always determines what you do. If you feel that you can't have what you want, you may be acting out towards others in anger or resentment. Iyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime

You are the love you seek. Iyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime

The truth is that simultaneous growth is rare in relationships. Usually two people start out together. One pulls ahead, the other drops to the rear. In some cases, the one in the lead can reach back and pull the other one up to speed. In most cases, the one who reaches back gets slowed down, sometimes to a halt. Find your centre and stay grounded in it. Know that you can still love the person who is running behind you, but if they start walking, it is your responsibility to yourself to keep running. Iyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime

One aspect of unconditional love is being able to give of yourself without expectation of return or reward. Iyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime

Love is giving without remembering. Receiving without forgetting. Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

If you are resisting anything, you are focused upon it, pushing against it, and activating the vibration of it-and therefore attracting that which is like it. Esther and Jerry Hicks, The Law of Attraction

You cannot create in the experience of another because you cannot think their thoughts...What you can do for them is set the example of joy. Become a being who thinks only of that which you are wanting, who speaks only of that which you are wanting and who does only that which you are wanting-and therefore brings forth only positive emotion. Esther and Jerry Hicks, The Law of Attraction

Sometimes you think everything
Is wrapped up inside a diamond ring
Love just needs a witness
And a little forgiveness
And a halo of patience
And a less sporadic pace and
I'm learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes
Oh I've felt that fire and I, I've been burned
But I wouldn't trade the pain for what I've learned Pink, Crystal Ball

When a person shows you their true self, who they really are, good and bad, believe them. I don't remember where I heard this but it's so true.

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