Sunday, January 20, 2013

Off the Wheat


It's been a while. I'm on a computer all day so rarely do I feel inspired to get on it at night or during my off time. I'm feeling it today. :)

Off the wheat. It's  been a week. I feel so much better already. I'm reading Wheat Belly and before I even got done the first chapter I was making the cut. First thing was to clean out the pantry, the cupboards and the fridge. The family cringed when I said this stuff was going....

They were very happy to receive it at the food bank.

When I told family and friends we were making the cut; to be healthier, I think they thought I had lost my mind. And the first day I went grocery shopping I thought maybe I had. A lot of label reading, which I do anyway but that pesky wheat hides in some pretty bizarre places. It took me an hour to get groceries the first time.

I've done A LOT more research. I've bought the products to get us going on the right track (i.e. wheat free flour mixtures, wheat free breads and snacks). Keeps us all from getting frustrated.

Honestly, the key to success is going back to basics. Veggies, berries, meat, fish, eggs, nuts. I bought a half a cow I think. Grass fed. Fresh eggs. Local as much as possible.

Eating like this for the past week and I'm already down 6 pounds. I honestly think it was 6 pounds of stinky crap. Literally. Talk about gas and a stench as it was purging out of my body. Ugh! But now, less ick. What I put in my body is being used by my body. Less waste. More energy. My blood sugar isn't pitching and diving every couple hours. Makes all the difference in the world, not only for the body for the mind.

So onward we go. Healthy food. Exercise. On the right track.

Love the one you're with. XO

PS Yummy cookie recipe tomorrow.

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