Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Shows Pride in Ownership

"Shows pride in ownership." We've seen this before when someone is selling a house or a car. How about showing a little pride in the ownership of our temple. Yup our bodies. If we can take the time to keep our house up and wash the car every weekend in the summer then we can take the time to maintain our bodies. Read labels. Shop sensibly. prepare meals when we're not feeling the time crunch (i.e. Sunday afternoon - boil up 6-8 eggs, make a healthy batch of quinoa and brown rice, wash and cut up all your veggies and fruit, put an assortment of nuts in small Tupperware containers so you can throw them in your bag on the way out the door, put a roast in the slow cooker, etc.), maybe do some squats in the bathroom while the kiddies are floating in the tub, go to the gym, grab 8-10 minutes to do a quick circuit (there are simple apps for your phone that can give you a quick circuit, gets the heart rate going), etc.

And DO NOT feel bad if you can't hit it hardcore. Just try your best and have faith that you can do it. You can take it as far as you want to go. You're the boss. In charge of your own temple.

Love the one you're with. XO

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