Sunday, July 28, 2013

Brought to it. Get through it.

It's been a rough few days.

A long time family friend passed away. He had cancer. Was in remission. It came back. They gave him four or so weeks to live. He died the next day. Thursday.

Friday. An accident. Have digested this one but still...not so much. A young man. A brilliant photographer. A glowing personality. Shy but funny. Extremely helpful and thoughtful...

Two things. I have experience, unfortunately, with loss. I understand the grieving process all too well. AND. I have faith. I have faith that if we are brought to something, something difficult. A loss. We can get through it. We will get through it. We need to be gentle with ourselves. Feel the feelings and trust that it will get better.

Due to various life circumstances over the years, I have been trying to actively be more and more grateful for the people, experiences and things in my life. Not a moment goes by now that I don't say thank you. I get a stretch of green lights on Brunswick and as I safety go under each one, in my mind I say thank you. I make it home safe and sound, I say thank you. Someone holds the door for me and I obviously I say thank you. I read about something good happening to someone good and I say thank you. Every night Jbird and I say our prayers and we give thanks for everything we have, for all our blessings. You know, it makes a big difference in your mindset. Especially at times like these. I feel the pain but am grateful for the time that I had with these people. For their smile. Their big laugh. Their leadership. Their jokes. The people that they were to their family and friends. They will be missed. But we will get through it.


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