Monday, April 30, 2012

Bumpity Bump

Not completely sure why I fell off.  Maybe it was work.  Maybe it was lack of motivation.  All I know is that I went almost one full year either dragging my toe behind the wagon or bumpity bumping along behind it.  Always did ok with the eating because frankly, crap food makes me feel like crap.  I've been off things like white bread for so long, I even put that near my mouth and my belly hurts.  And I certainly didn't do well with the exercise.  This past winter, my jeans were tight.  My shirts were tight.  I felt about as far from sexy as I could get.  Hated it.  Hated how I looked.

Got a free one month pass to the gym at Christmas time.  Thought, maybe I'll use that in January.  No, too busy at the gym in January.  Maybe February.  February came and went.  March I was going to be too busy with work.  April...well, it was time.

April 15, 2012, back on the wagon.  Dusted off my food journal.  Dusted off my weight lifting books.  Dug out my big ass water bottle.  I was ready to get on it again.

So April 15...
133 pounds
29.2% body fat (ick)
78.5cm waist
99cm hips
58cm thighs

So here we are, two weeks in.  Faithful to the food.  Faithful to the activity.  Faithful to eating breakfast.  Faithful to drinking my water.

April 29...
133 pounds
26.7% body fat
76cm waist
97.5cm hips
58cm thighs

The pounds are only mildly important to me.  I like to lift heavy weights.  I'm in it for a little bulk.  The body fat is huge for me.  I know I'm in the "acceptable" range but to me, it's not acceptable.  My goal when I started April 15, to be at 24% body fat.  I'm hoping I will get there.  : )

I use this to calculate my body fat... Metric body fat calculator  You also have the option to use inches.

Stay tuned for more.  Will try to share all I can.  Healthy is where it's at!

Love the one you're with.  XO

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Where did it all begin?

It began with me be a little too insulated.  hahaha  That was back in November 7, 2010.  I was 135 pounds, 30% body fat (that's the big number).  My thighs were 58cm around.  Waist 81cm and hips 101cm.  Built just like my her soul.  Always had lots of cushion for pushin'.  And my Dad had just one year before that had a quadruple bypass.  BIG wake up call!!!

So I started.  I read all I could about eating clean.  Started to keep a food journal to make sure I was on top of what I was putting in my mouth.  Got my ass off the couch at night.  Little things.  A stroll.  Crunches.  Girlie pushups.  I liked the small changes I was seeing so I decided I needed to get serious.  I hit the gym.  Three times a week.  Lunch time.  Sometimes 20 minutes on the treadmill.  Sometimes I hit the weights squeezed in 45 minutes.  I still needed to shower and get back to work.  I didn't have the time to do after work so that was the extent of my workout.  I had a little girl to get after work.

I set goals right first thing.
  • Reduce hip and thigh size.
  • Less stress.
  • Drink more water.
  • Eat more vegetables.
  • Get better with my cardio.
First week in, after tracking what I was eating (I use Tosca Reno's food journal.  Works best for me) I saw I needed to increase protein and watch my portion sizes.  The next week, guess what...goal achieved.  I never would have known that if I didn't journal what I was eating.

December 5, 2010
129 pounds
25% body fat
Thighs 53cm
Hips 97.5cm
Waist 75cm

I shit you not.  One month.  Keeping track of what went in my mouth.  Going to the gym three times a week.  Cardio.  Weights.  Taking every opportunity to be active...Jbird to the park, walk the dog, calf raises while doing the dishes, crunches at night, taking the stairs, parking a little ways away from the mall.  All.  Adds. Up!!!!

Then February 2011 came and I fell off the wagon.....


The Journey

I've been on a journey or two.  One that has been constant; my journey to healthier living.  My family on both sides has a health issue or two.  Heart issues.  Cancer.  Stroke.  That's just the big stuff.  I figure that I should do all I can to mitigate risk.  A healthy diet and exercise.  That doesn't mean I don't live.  I love a few beer with friends.  A chocolate bar once in a while.  Skittles are a weakness.  I don't lose it if I don't make it to the gym.  I could never adhere to the strict lifestyle some live by.  I admire them greatly but it's not my thing.

Going forward here, mixed with my other "goings on" I would like to share some of the things that keep me on the wagon.  I'd like to share when I fall off so someone out there can give me a kick in the ass.  I need the motivation as much as the next person.  Living a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge.  I've had lots of help with my challenges and I hope even one little thing I mention here can give someone that little extra boost.

So on with the challenge.  Thanks for hanging out with me.

As always, love the one you're with.  XO

Sunday, April 15, 2012

More to life

Work.  Job.  Career.

All good but there is more to life than work.

Some people get consumed by it.  Some people define themselves by it.  Some people live by it and some will die by it.

I know it's an old saying but it's true, when you die, no one cares about how many hours over time you worked or that presentation you made or that business trip you went on.  They talk about what a great person you are.  What a loving sister.  What a great mom.  What a wonderful friend.

No doubt about it, work is important but it's not IT.  Family is IT.  Friends are IT.

Love the one you're with.  XO

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's been a while....

I started blogging in 2007.  I have long since deleted those blogs (three of them).  They represented a different chapter in my life.  It was comforting to write the words, somewhat anonymously, get the comments and varying perspectives, see my feelings in black and white.  The writing helped me get through some very challenging times.  I write now as a past time.  At least I'll call it write.  It's the thoughts in my mind presented exactly how they come to me.  There's no editing.  No magic.  Authentic.  Hence the name of this blog.  The new chapter in my life.  :)

I have never opened my writing up to folks I know.  Of course, over the years people I know have found my musings, put two and two together and figured out it was me but I have never openly shared my written jibber jabber with friends.  I think I'm ready to take the plunge.  Not that it will be overly riveting reading but it may serve as a good laugh for people once in a while.

I read this and had to laugh.  Reality for most I think.  Though I got a good chuckle out of it, it did make me do most things.  What if I did kick it next Tuesday?  In this case, next Tuesday is tomorrow but for these purposes, I'll give myself a week.  :)  What would I have on my one week bucket list?
  • Loving my Jbird.  That's a given. <3
  • Spending the best quality time with my family and friends.
  • Visiting some folks who have had a profound impact on my life (though I'm sure they don't know it) and thanking them.
  • Making a final visit to the OSPCA.  Kissing the face right off of Vanilla the black lab.
  • Taking a good long walk in the woods behind my house...alone.  Drinking in the memories of being out there on three-wheelers.  Tearing through the mud.  Having my first smoke.  hehe  Feeling invincible.
  • I'd say 'I apologize' to those I know I've hurt many years ago and I'd forgive the few hurts that linger from the past.
There's nothing earth-shattering there.  I mean I do only have a week.  :)  When I look at it now...probably a few things I should do anyway....

A family friend passed away a few days ago.  Children.  Grand-children.  A loving husband.  Family.  Friends.  Shocking to hear.  Really drove home the point that 'you just never know'.  Sounds so clique but it is so true.

How about your bucket list?

Until next time, love the one you're with.  XO