Saturday, May 17, 2014

Is Reiki a religion?

Or I'll get asked, "What religion is Reiki." Reiki isn't about religion. For me, it's about spirituality. I am a very spiritual person. I was raised Anglican so I certainly have my belief system. When I pray before and after a Reiki session or during meditation (or anytime for that matter, I pray all the time), I pray to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That doesn't mean when I pray before and after a session I am imposing my spirituality onto you. I'm praying for me to be able to channel loving healing to you. You can be spiritual, religious, have no particular beliefs. Reiki is simply about love.

All that being said, I would say having some sort of faith assists a person in their soul's journey. As I said, for me it's faith in a higher power being the Trinity. For you it may be a belief or faith in the Creator, the Divine, Mother Earth, faith in purpose, etc.

Imagine something negative happens to you. It can be something smallish like not getting the job you wanted to losing a parent. If you have no faith in anything, then I would think both of these situations would be very negative. There would be no silver lining; no light at the end of the tunnel, no reason. If you believe in something bigger than yourself, no matter what that is, don't you think you could put a positive spin on both of these situations? The job - maybe it just wasn't going to be a good fit for you. Maybe something better is set in your path. For the passing of a loved one - isn't it better to believe that they have moved onto a better place. It doesn't have to be heaven but isn't it better to have faith and trust that they are no longer in pain or that their soul is set free, etc. I guess what I'm saying here is that a belief in something positive, something all loving, will assist you in your soul's journey.

When you open your mind to the positives, to the love, the goodness follows. It's the law of attraction. When you're mind moves to the positive, so does your body. Stress diminishes, pain goes away, you're more open to forgive and to being forgiven. There is an immense weight that lifts when you try to find positive in all aspects of life.

So, is Reiki a religion? No. Does it and all the goodness it encompasses become a way of life? Yes it does. It's like kicking sugar or wheat or getting into the routine of going to the gym. It's a lifestyle change. It's an amazing lifestyle change. XX

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