Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I have no time to do this "DIET" shit.  That was my thought.  But fact of the matter is, I do.  I take every Sunday afternoon to prep for my week.  Really doesn't take that long at all.  Hour maybe...maybe two.

Wash everything.  Or cheat and by it prewashed.
Cut everything up.
Put it in containers with see thru bottoms and tops (may be an investment but sooooo worth it).
I cook up some brown rice, quinoa and couscous.  Put that in containers.
Steam some chicken breasts.  I cut some up.  Leave some whole.  Maybe throw a couple in the oven with pepper and lemon slices.

I AM NOT A GOURMET CHEF.  There is nothing gourmet here.  Never will be.  Sorry.  LOL!!

My veggies for a week of lunches.  I know.  I'm killing the environment with all the baggies.  One step at a time.  ;) I've tried using plastic containers but I already pack a full cooler for the day, I can't take anything any bigger.  These baggies are easy to pop in the soft-sided cooler I use.  I can grab one and throw it in my purse if I'm running an errand.  Jbird eats the same thing, just smaller portions. 

The fruit is done up the same, except I do use containers.  Who wants smooshed raspberries?!!  Snacks, same thing.  All ready to go.  Takes me two seconds to throw the ice packs in the coolers/lunchbags and then the grub.

And I know you read chicken up top and thought, dear gawd, I can't eat just chicken.  Nope, fish, lean beef, lean pork, turkey, tofu (yup, tofu).  You name it, if it's lean and in proper portions, sky is the limit.

And soup!!  Love soups.  Made a potato, fennel, chicken soup the other day in the slow cooker.  FML!!  So damn good.  Jaden even ate it...after I picked out the red kidney beans.  Shhhh, don't tell her I left the white kidney beans in there.

Guess the point of this post...preparation!!  That will be your first step to success.  : )

Love the one you're with. XO

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